〈舞一曲華爾茲〉(Take This Waltz) –加拿大詩人Leonard Cohen向西班牙詩人Federico García Lorca致敬之作
加拿大詩人歌手李歐納柯恩(Leonard Cohen)以歷盡滄桑卻又不忍棄絕塵世的沙啞嗓音,如智者般娓娓敍述著一首首美麗的詩歌。這首〈舞一曲華爾茲〉(Take This Waltz)是李歐納柯恩向西班牙詩人羅卡(Federico García Lorca,1898-1936)致敬之作,收錄在1998年我是你的男人(I'm Your Man)專輯中。柯恩憶起初次閱讀這首詩時的心靈悸動,他說「宛若千年前,我信步走入蒙特婁北部耶路撒冷小城的一家二手書店,我隨手拿本書看,在字裏行間跨越了世紀,看到你的嘆息,開始啜泣,動人的詩詞,燃燒的生命,深深烙印我心中…這首詩毀了我一生,他就是羅卡(Federico García Lorca)。」李歐納柯恩的〈舞一曲華爾茲〉(Take This Waltz) 改譯自羅卡的詩〈小維也納華爾茲〉(Pequeño Vals Vienés)。在原詩架構下柯恩做了些小更動,如女孩換成女人。詩中的意像充滿政治、性向、愛慾與死亡,例如「百合花尖的洞穴裏,情人們沒到過的走廊」詩句中的性暗示。其中尤以這句「那些被禁鉗的語言或譯噤聲的華爾茲」,讓人有無限想像,明指西班牙佛朗哥元帥的獨裁專制,但也暗喻羅卡被壓抑的性向。
不過這句「霜雪展覽館」(Gallery of Frost)就令人費解,誰能告訴我這個典故?
Take This Waltz - Leonard Cohen Now in Vienna there's ten pretty women 維也納十個最美的女人There's a shoulder where Death comes to cry 死神靠著哭泣的肩膀There's a lobby with nine hundred windows 九百個窗戶的大廳There's a tree where the doves go to die 白鴿迎接死亡的樹There's a piece that was torn from the morning 早晨撕裂的那塊自己And it hangs in the Gallery of Frost 掛在霜雪展覽館Ay, Ay, Ay, Ay 噯﹐噯﹐噯﹐噯Take this waltz, take this waltz 跳這只華爾滋﹐這只華爾滋Take this waltz with the clamp on its jaws 那些被禁鉗的語言Oh I want you, I want you, I want you 我要你﹐要你﹐要你On a chair with a dead magazine 椅子上 有本死去許久的雜誌In the cave at the tip of the lily百合花尖的洞穴裏In some hallways where love's never been 情人們沒到過的走廊On a bed where the moon has been sweating 月光傾瀉的床上In a cry filled with footsteps and sand 充滿腳印和沙的喚聲Ay, Ay, Ay, Ay 噯﹐噯﹐噯﹐噯Take this waltz, take this waltz 跳這只華爾滋﹐這只華爾滋Take its broken waist in your hand 握著這破碎的腰際吧This waltz, this waltz, this waltz, this waltz 這華爾滋﹐華爾滋﹐華爾滋With its very own breath of brandy and Death 帶著它混合白蘭地和死亡的氣息Dragging its tail in the sea 拖著尾巴到深海裡There's a concert hall in Vienna 維也納的音樂廳Where your mouth had a thousand reviews 你嘴裡千百樣評論There's a bar where the boys have stopped talking 男人們停止說話的酒吧They've been sentenced to death by the blues 他們被藍調判了死刑Ah, but who is it climbs to your picture 啊﹐但是誰攀爬在你的畫像上With a garland of freshly cut tears? 以新鮮淚水做成的花環﹖Ay, Ay, Ay, Ay 噯﹐噯﹐噯﹐噯Take this waltz, take this waltz 跳這只華爾滋﹐這只華爾滋Take this waltz it's been dying for years 這支死去多年的舞There's an attic where children are playing 孩子們嬉戲的閣樓Where I've got to lie down with you soon 讓我和你在此躺下In a dream of Hungarian lanterns 匈牙利燈籠一樣的夢裡In the mist of some sweet afternoon 一個甜美下午的霧中And I'll see what you've chained to your sorrow 你都在悲傷上繫住了什麼All your sheep and your lilies of snow 你的羊隻﹐雪百合Ay, Ay, Ay, Ay 噯﹐噯﹐噯﹐噯Take this waltz, take this waltz 跳這只華爾滋﹐這只華爾滋With its "I'll never forget you, you know!" 和它的 “我永不忘記你﹐你知道!”This waltz, this waltz, this waltz, this waltz ... 這華爾滋﹐華爾滋﹐華爾滋﹐華爾滋And I'll dance with you in Vienna 在維也納與你共舞I'll be wearing a river's disguise 像戴上一條河流的掩飾The hyacinth wild on my shoulder, 肩膀上攀出的風信子My mouth on the dew of your thighs 我嘴裡你腿間的霧氣And I'll bury my soul in a scrapbook, 塗鴉本裡埋葬我的靈魂With the photographs there, and the moss 和照片﹐地衣And I'll yield to the flood of your beauty 讓我屈服在你滿溢的美麗My cheap violin and my cross 我的十字架和便宜的提琴And you'll carry me down on your dancing 用你的舞征服我To the pools that you lift on your wrist 你彎折腰身的水池旁Oh my love, Oh my love 我的愛﹐哦我的愛Take this waltz, take this waltz 跳這只舞吧﹐這只華爾滋It's yours now. It's all that there is 全是你的了﹐全在這裡了。
En Viena hay diez muchachas,un hombro donde solloza la muertey un bosque de palomas disecadas.Hay un fragmento de la mañanaen el museo de la escarcha.Hay un salón con mil ventanas.
¡Ay, ay, ay, ay!Toma este vals con la boca cerrada.
Este vals, este vals, este vals, este vals,de sí, de muerte y de coñacque moja su cola en el mar.
Te quiero, te quiero, te quiero,con la butaca y el libro muerto,por el melancólico pasillo,en el oscuro desván del lirio,en nuestra cama de la lunay en la danza que sueña la tortuga.
¡Ay, ay, ay, ay!Toma este vals de quebrada cintura.
En Viena hay cuatro espejosdonde juegan tu boca y los ecos.Hay una muerte para pianoque pinta de azul a los muchachos.Hay mendigos por los tejados,hay frescas guirnaldas de llanto.
¡Ay, ay, ay, ay!Toma este vals que se muere en mis brazos.
Porque te quiero, te quiero, amor mío,en el desván donde juegan los niños,soñando viejas luces de Hungríapor los rumores de la tarde tibia,viendo ovejas y lirios de nievepor el silencio oscuro de tu frente.
¡Ay, ay, ay, ay!Toma este vals, este vals del "Te quiero siempre".
En Viena bailaré contigocon un disfraz que tengacabeza de río.¡Mira qué orillas tengo de jacintos!Dejaré mi boca entre tus piernas,mi alma en fotografías y azucenas,y en las ondas oscuras de tu andarquiero, amor mío, amor mío, dejar,violín y sepulcro, las cintas del vals.
Little Viennese Waltz -Pequeño Vals Vienés原詩英譯
In Vienna there are ten little girlsa shoulder for death to cry onand a forest of dried pigeons.There is a fragment of tomorrowin the museum of winter frost.There is a thousand-windowed dance hall.Ay, ay, ay, ay!Take this close-mouthed waltz.
Little waltz, little waltz, little waltz,of itself, of death, and of brandythat dips its tail in the sea.
I love you, I love you, I love you,with the armchair and the book of deathdown the melancholy hallway,in the iris's dark garret,in our bed that was once the moon's bed,and in that dance the turtle dreamed of.Ay, ay, ay, ay!Take this broken-waisted waltz
In Vienna there are four mirrorsin which your mouth and the echoes play.There is a death for pianothat paints the little boys blue.There are beggars on the roof.There are fresh garlands of tears.Aye, ay, ay, ay!Take this waltz that dies in my arms.
Because I love you, I love you, my love,in the attic where children play,dreaming ancient lights of Hungarythrough the noise, the balmy afternoon,seeing sheep and irises of snowthrough the dark silence of your forehead.Ay, ay, ay ay!Take this "I will always love you" waltz.
In Vienna I will dance with youin a costume with a river's head.See how the hyacinths line my banks!I will leave my mouth between your legs,my soul in photographs and lilies,and in the dark wake of your footsteps,my love, my love, I will have to leaveviolin and grave, the waltzing ribbons.Federico García Lorca (1898 – 1936)
費徳利可‧加爾西亞‧羅卡著,陳南妤譯注,《吉普賽故事詩Romancero gitano》,初版。台北市:聯經,2006年。
桃紅柳綠﹐生張熟李: Take this Waltz - Leonard Cohen 中譯引自此處
羅卡詩選Federico Garcia Lorca:《吉普賽故事詩》
只是達利和羅卡互萌情愫。在電影中,達利想逃離這份關係,又一心想成名,因此離開羅卡遠赴巴黎,與布紐爾合作電影《安達魯之犬》,也認識了畢卡索等 成名藝術家而躋身上流社會,又與聲名狼籍的貴婦卡拉一拍即合。羅卡深感心痛,但兩人真正決裂的關鍵是達利一心求取名利,而羅卡仍心繫內戰前處於西班牙動盪 社會中的百姓。悖離理想,是達利帶給羅卡的第二個「背叛」。
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