Bulworth中的PUBLIC ENEMY「公敵」
華倫比提(Warren Beatty)編導的Bulworth (選舉追緝令1998) 片中另一段高潮就是參議員Bulworth以繞舌方式回答記者提問“Senator Jay Billington Bulworth talking truthy shit to Connie about the state of the Union.”
Bulworth 接受記者Connie電視訪問時,良心發現(或是磕藥失控),以rap方式道盡政客、說客及商賈之間利益共生,政商勾結的情景。以下是這段Rap的內容(Rapping始於影片剪輯1分02秒處),最後以嘻哈音樂重量級團體PUBLIC ENEMY的Kill Em live為該段結尾。
[Rapping] The rich is getting richer and richer and richer
While the middle class is getting more poor
Just makin billions and billions and billions
And billions and billions and billions of bucks
Well, my friend
lf, uh, you weren’t already rich at the start
That... that... that situation sucks
Cause the... the richest motherfucker in five of us
Is getting ninety-fuckin eight percent of it
And every other motherfucker in the world
Is left to wonder where the fuck we went with it
l’m a senator
I gotta raise $10,000 a day every day l’ve in Washington
I ain’t getting it in South Central
l’m getting it in Beverly Hills
So l’m votin?in the Senate the way they want me to
and... and... and l’m sendin them my bills
But we got babies in South Central
dyin as young as they do in Peru
We got public schools that are nightmares
We got a Congress that ain’t got a clue
We got kids with submachine guns
We got militias throwing bombs
We got Bill just getting all weepy
We got Newt blamin teenage moms
We have factories closing down
Where the hell did all the good jobs go?
Well, I tell you where they went
My contributors make more profits makin makin makin?
Hirin kids in Mexico
Oh, brother can work in fast food
If he can’t invent computer games
But what we used to call America
That’s goin down the drains
How’s a young man gonna meet his financial responsibilities
Workin in a motherfuckin Burger King? He ain’t!
And please, don’t even start with that school shit
There ain’t no education goin on up in that motherfucker
We got a million brothers in prison
I mean, the walls are really rockin?
But you can bet your ass they’re all be out
If they could pay for Johnnie Cochran
The Constitution supposed to give them an equal chance
Well, that ain’t gonna happen for sure
Ain’t it time to take a little from the rich motherfucker
And just give a little to the poor?
I mean, those boys over there on the monitor
They want a government smaller and weak
But they be speaking for the richest 20 percent
When they pretendin they defendin the meek
Now, shit, fuck, cocksucker
That’s the real obscenity
Black folks livin with every day
Is tryin to believe a motherfuckin word
Democrats and Republicans say
l’m Jay Billington Bulworth
And l’ve come to say
The Democratic party
Got some shit to pay
It’t gonna pay it in the ghetto
It’t gonna pay it in the...
Senator, are you saying that the Democratic party...
doesn’t care about the African-American community?
JAY: Isn’t that obvious? A lot of people think...
there are no black leaders today because they all got killed...
but I think it’s the decimation of the manufacturing base...
in the urban centers.
Don’t you think so?
[Whispering] What do you think my age is?
DIRECTOR: He had his time. Flush Em.
[Rapping]You know, the guy in the booth
Who’s talking to you in that tiny little earphone?
He’s afraid the guys at network gonna tell him he’s through
If he lets a guy keep talking like l’m talking to you
Cause the corporations got the networks
And they get to say who gets to talk about the country
And who’s crazy today
I would cut to a commercial if you still want this job
Because you may not be back tomorrow with this corporate mob
- Cut to a commercial - OK, flush Em.
Cut to commercial, cut to commercial
Cut to commercial
OK, OK, I got a simple question
That l’d like to ask of this network
That pays you for performing your task
How come they got the airwaves?
They’re the people, aren’t they?
Wouldn’t they be worth 70 billion to the public today?
If some money-grubbin Congress
Didn’t give Em away for big campaign money?
It’s hopeless, you see
If you runnin for office
Without no TV
If you don’t get big money
You get a defeat
Corporations and broadcasters make you dead meat
You been taught in this country there speech that is free
But free do not get you no spots on TV
If you want to have senators not on the take
Then give them free air time
They won’t have to fake
Telecommunications is the name of the beast
That, that, that, that...
That’s eatin up the world from the West to the East
The movies, the tabloids, TV, and magazines
They tell us what to think and do
And all our hopes and dreams
All this information makes America phat
But if the company out of the country
How American is that?
But we got Americans with families
Can’t even buy a meal
Ask a brother who’ve been downsized
If he’s getting any deal
Or a white boy bustin?ass till they put him in his grave
He ain’t gotta be a black boy to be livin?like a slave
Rich people have alwaysstayed on top
By dividing white people from colored people
But white people got more in common with colored people
Than they do with rich people
We just got to eliminate them
- Eliminate? - Eliminate.
- Who, rich people? - White people.
- Damn! - Black people, too.
Brown people, yellow people. Get rid of Em all.
All we need is a voluntary...
free-spirited, open-ended program...
of procreative racial deconstruction.
Everybody just gotta keep fuckin everybody...
till they’re all the same color.
JAY: I think it... it gonna take a while, but, uh...
HOST:|Thank you, Senator Bulworth.
We will return with former Governor Lamar Alexander...
after this message.
[Rap music plays]
Public Enemy「公敵」簡介
Public Enemy「公敵」被認為是說唱音樂界最有爭議和影響的樂隊,他們的音樂充滿政治性,並使Hip-Hop成為推展社會發展的動力與工具。1987年,「公敵」的第一張專輯《Yo! Bum Rush the Show》(喲﹗小鬼出場)因雜亂無序的樂曲編排招至商業上慘敗。1988年的專輯《It Takes Millions to Hold Us Back》(讓百萬群眾阻止我們)是一張充滿叛逆、政治主張極為大膽的專輯。「公敵」還採用了新奇的Offbeath採樣和古典放克的表現手法,專輯獲得了白金銷量。1991年,Public Enemy的第3張專輯《Apocalypse91... The Enemy Strikes Black》(91啟示錄...敵人攻擊黑人)帶有強烈的重金屬音樂氛圍,這是他們同Anthrax樂隊合作的結果。90年代初的“公敵”作品總能進入排行榜的前10位,但爭議與抨擊也紛至沓來。1994年專輯《Muse Sick-N-Hour Mess Age》(空想病誌和時間的作息)出版之後,樂隊的靈魂人物Chuck.D離隊作個人發展,並推出自己的個人專輯《The Autobiography Of Mista Chuck》(米西塔.查克自傳)。
Chuck D也曾經說過:「Rap是黑人的CNN」,他們願意作為訊息的溝通橋樑,不時赤裸地將敏感話題攤在陽光下暢言!
Lyrics for: Kill Em Live
From the album: There's A Poison Goin On
Songwriters: Ridenhour, Carlton, Gary G-Wiz
Label: KOCH
Genres: East Coast Rap, Mainstream Rap, Rap
Verse 1: Chuck D
All I wanna do is get paid back
for all that time I spent in the back
Livin in shacks, fillin up sacks of cotton
Now it's what we fought, you're makin six packs
There's some got our hope out of control
of my soul, pass the Ol' Gold
Behold the pale horse, Supreme Court
Sweatin niggas like sports
Hunt a nigga for sport
See a nigga play sports, no support
On the outside lookin in
If that's what's up then I ain't never been in style then
Everything is anything, anything is upbeat of nothing
Once again, poisoned from the paper and pen
You better defend that bullshit on the other end
Fuck your own thing, if your own thing's the wrong thing
Fuck dem chicken wings
Last able man standing
Follow what? I ain't understanding
What's better to understand then be misunderstood?
Cos the FBI is up to no good
Power to the peeps who come with their own drum
And don't end up like sheep
(*Kill!*) (*Kill Em Live!*)
*repeat x3*
Verse 2: Chuck D
Mad heads confused by the isms
Bustin caps incoginisms
Phone taps, makin sure they record ya
>From my midnight plane to Georgia, uhh
Ancient to ???? player
The life giver, the name take-awayer
Propaganda can't gasp the last man standing
Assassinate all the plannin
Get wreck, what you see is what you get
To plunder more stars than Trek
21st Century Robin Hood
I guess the politics are robbin hoods
Fuck the Government cos you know that I would
Cos the FBI is up to no good
Power to the peeps who come with their own drum
And don't end up like sheep
(*Kill!*) (*Kill Em Live!*)
*repeat x5*
Verse 3: Chuck D
Be a bitch is a foreign crime
Engine, Engine Number 9
Engineerin monopolies, triggers and uninsured jalopy's
Catchin more lock than companies
Engineerin opinion and policies
Herd following like sheep
Following of the sheep will be sheep
based on what they heard from their peeps, uhh
Able to straddle quick beats without a battle
Politician assassinated
Rappers get shot, quote Chris Rock
"To have, to have not" is the question
Yes, them 'have nots' be robots
All the sheeps have forgot
The 'haves' keep the 'have nots' guessin
under them Smith & Wessuns
(*Kill!*) (*Kill Em Live!*)
*repeat x7*