電影Bulworth (選舉追緝令1998)中華倫比提飾演參議員Bulworth因磕藥宿醉在募款餐會上失控,以繞舌方式道盡政客、說客及商賈之間利益共生,政商勾結的情景。
It’s up to you. What will we do?
[Rapping] What will we do, well, it’s up to you
You know, it ain’t that funny, you contribute all my money
You make your contribution, then you get your solution
As long as you can pay, I will gonna do it all your way
Yes, money talks, and the people walk
[Fast-forwards tape]
[Rap music plays]
Yeah, now let me hear ya say it, big money
CHERYL AND TANYA: Whoa! Big money, big money
JAY: Big money, big money, big money
Big money, big money, big money
One man, one vote, now is that really real?
The name of our game is Let’s Make a Deal
Now people got the problems, the haves and the have-nots
But the ones that make me listen pay for 30-second spots
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Yo, Bank of American at this table over here
Wells Fargo and Citibank, you’re really very dear
Loan billions to Mexico and never have to fear
Cause taxpayers, taxpayers take it in the rear
CHERYL AND TANYA: Take it in the rear, take it in the rear
JAY: Yo, over here we’re got our friends from oil
They don’t give a shit how much wilderness is spoiled
They tell us that they’re careful
We know that it’s a lie
As long as we keep drivin cars, they let the planet die
CHERYL AND TANYA: Let the planet die, let the planet die
JAY: Exxon, Mobil, |the Saudis in Kuwait
If we still got the Middle-East, the atmosphere can wait
The Arabs got the oil, we buy everything they sell
But if the brothers raise the price
We blow Em all to hell
CHERYL AND TANYA: Boom boom boom boom
JAY: Now let me hear ya say it
- Saddam - Saddam
- Hussein - Hussein
- Saddam - Saddam
- Hussein - Hussein
MURPHY: Get me a phone number. Dr. Morris Fishman, UCLA.
He愀 at the Department of Psychiatry.
Get the number now.
JAY RAPPING: Yo, everybody gonna get sick someday
But nobody knows how they’re gonna pay
Healthcare, managed care, HMOs
Ain’t gonna work, no, sir, not those
Cause the thing that’s the same in every one of these
Is these mother fuckers there, the insurance companies
Yeah, yeah
You can call it single-payer or Canadian way
Only socialized medicine will ever save the day
Come on now, let me hear that dirty word
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Now, the women in the world is mistreated and abused
But when we try to fix it, we tend to get confused
I got respect from all the sisters
They will tell you that’s my style
But there’s one thing in politics
That always makes me smile
I like the pussy, the pussy, I like it really fine
And when you be a senator, you get it all the time
The young ones, the old ones, they really like Em all
And when you be in Washington, you hardly have to call
The women, they love power
And if you don’t pull that rug out
No matter what they say or do, they give you nappy dugout
MIMl: Now, would we be eligible for an Emmy or a Peabody?
Bulworth (選舉追緝令1998)
導演: 華倫比提(Warren Beatty)
演員: 華倫比提(Warren Beatty)
奧立佛普萊特(Oliver Platt)
荷莉貝瑞(Halle Berry)
編劇:Warren Beatty, Jeremy Pikser
入圍1999年奧斯卡最佳原創劇本獎(Best Writing, Screenplay Written Directly for the Screen)
Bulworth is a Democratic Senator running for re-election in Calfornia in 1996. Depressed by cashing in on the right-wing trend in politics at the expense of his beliefs, he orders a hit on himself after having taken out a huge life-insurance policy. His imminent death allows him to speak out in a brutally honest manner that is true to his old liberal--and even socialist--beliefs. He does so in the form of hip-hop music, which he discovers after falling in love with a Black woman from South Central Los Angeles. 引自IMDB