
〈讓我舞向愛的盡頭〉(Dance me to the end of love)-在熱切的小提琴聲中讓我舞向你的美麗

加拿大詩人歌手李歐納柯恩(Leonard Cohen)是有波蘭血統的猶太人,他在這首〈讓我舞向愛的盡頭〉(Dance me to the end of love)的歌詩中,用二則聖經典故,映照出二戰時納粹集中營中的猶太人如何用愛的信念面對悲慘的命運。其一是和平的象徵橄欖枝(olive branch)與鴿子,《創世紀》裏記載說:「世界末日發生了特大洪水,諾亞造了一個方舟在水上漂流。有一天他放出一隻鴿子,要它去探問洪水漲落的消息。鴿子飛回的時候嘴裏銜著一根新鮮的橄欖枝,諾亞高興地知道洪水已在開始退去,出現了陸地。」


〈讓我舞向愛的盡頭〉乍聽是首浪漫深情的歌曲,然而其創作的靈感竟來自集中營中的猶太人被送進焚化爐處決前, 納粹竟強迫猶太樂師演出四重奏送行。李歐納柯恩將這極度反差的痛苦化為第一行詩句:「在熱切的小提琴聲中讓我舞向你的美麗(Dance me to your beauty with a burning violin)」。整首歌詩的中譯如下:


〈讓我舞向愛的盡頭〉(Dance me to the end of love)-李歐納柯恩(Leonard Cohen)


Dance me to your beauty with a burning violin在熱切的小提琴聲中讓我舞向你的美麗

Dance me through the panic till I'm gathered safely in讓我舞過驚恐直到我復歸平靜

Lift me like an olive branch將我如橄欖枝般舉起

And be my homeward dove做引導我返鄉的鴿

Dance me to the end of love讓我舞向愛的盡頭

Dance me to the end of love讓我舞向愛的盡頭


Oh let me see your beauty when the witnesses are gone噢!讓我目睹你的美麗,當見證者已杳

Let me feel you moving like they do in Babylon讓我感覺你的一舉一動,如同他們在巴比倫所為

Show me slowly what I only know the limits of慢慢的告訴我本應知曉之侷限

Dance me to the end of love讓我舞向愛的盡頭

Dance me to the end of love讓我舞向愛的盡頭


Dance me to the wedding now, dance me on and on讓我舞向婚禮,讓我不停地舞動

Dance me very tenderly and dance me very long讓我溫柔地舞動,永恆地舞動

We're both of us beneath our love, we're both of us above我倆在愛情中沉浮你儂我儂

Dance me to the end of love讓我舞向愛的盡頭

Dance me to the end of love讓我舞向愛的盡頭


Dance me to the children who are asking to be born讓我舞向那渴望出世的孩子們

Dance me through the curtains that our kisses have outworn讓我舞過那因我倆親吻而殘破的簾幕

Raise a tent of shelter now 搭起遮風避雨的帳篷

Though every thread is torn 儘管每一條繩線都已磨蝕

Dance me to the end of love讓我舞向愛的盡頭


Dance me to your beauty with a burning violin在熱切的小提琴聲中讓我舞向你的美麗

Dance me through the panic till I'm gathered safely in讓我舞過驚恐,直到我復歸平靜

Touch me with your naked hand用你裸露的雙手觸摸我

Or touch me with your glove或者戴著手套觸摸我


Dance me to the end of love讓我舞向愛的盡頭

Dance me to the end of love讓我舞向愛的盡頭

Dance me to the end of love讓我舞向愛的盡頭



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