懺情悲歌3-〈比利別逞英雄〉(Billy Don't Be A Hero) -紙蕾絲(Paper Lace)
〈比利別逞英雄〉(Billy Don't Be A Hero)
The marchin' band came down along Main Street軍樂隊沿著大街而下 The soldier-blues fell in behind穿著藍色軍服的士兵排隊集合 I looked across and there I saw Billy我放眼望去瞧見比利 Waiting to go and join the line等待啟程投身前線 And with her head upon his shoulder她的頭輕偎在他的肩膀 His young and lovely fiancee他年輕美麗的未婚妻 From where I stood, I saw she was cryin'我站在那看到她在哭泣 And through her tears I heard her say她淚雨直下我聽見她說, "Billy, don't be a hero, don't be a fool with your life"「比利別逞英雄,別拿你的生命開玩笑」 "Billy, don't be a hero, come back and make me your wife"「比利別逞英雄,快回來娶我」 And as he started to go she said "Billy, keep your head lo-o-ow"當他啟程她說「比利,別強出頭」 "Billy, don't be a hero, come back to me"「比利別逞英雄,快回來我身邊」 The soldier-blues were trapped on a hillside穿著藍色軍服的士兵被困在山坡上 The battle raging all around各地戰鬥激烈 The sergeant cried "We've got to hang on, boys"士官長喊道「孩子們我們必須堅持到底」 "We got to hold this piece a'ground"「我們必需守住這地方」 "I need a volunteer to ride up"「我需要有人志願跑一趟」 "And bring us back some extra men"「為我們帶來援兵」 And Billy's hand was up in a moment比利馬上舉手 Forgettin' all the words she said忘記了她所說的話 She said她說 "Billy, don't be a hero, don't be a fool with your life"「比利別逞英雄,別拿你的生命開玩笑」 "Billy, don't be a hero, come back and make me your wife"「比利別逞英雄,快回來娶我」 And as he started to go she said "Billy, keep your head lo-o-ow"當他啟程她說「比利,要保持低姿態」 "Billy, don't be a hero, come back to me"「比利別逞英雄,快回來我身邊」 I heard his fiancee got a letter我聽說她的未婚妻收到一封信 That told how Billy died that day記述著比利那天是如何陣亡 The letter said that he was a hero信上寫著他是個英雄 She should be proud he died that way她應該為他的英勇捐軀感到驕傲 I heard she threw that letter away我聽說她把那封信揉成一團丟掉
來自英國諾丁罕的紙蕾絲(Paper Lace)合唱團,他們演唱的〈比利別逞英雄〉(Billy Don't Be A Hero)是一首著名的反戰歌曲,創作者為英國的米區墨瑞(Mitch Murray)與彼得凱任德(Peter Callander)。該曲於1974年分別在英美兩地推出,英國版(1974/Mercury)由紙蕾絲(Paper Lace)合唱團演唱,在英國於同年3月取得流行榜3星期冠軍,但是受合約限制,該團不能在美國演出宣傳,因此在美國告示牌(Billboard)只達第96名而已。而稍後布唐納森與黑伍德樂團(Bo Donaldson & The Heywoods)演唱的美國版(1974/ABC)卻於6月得到美國告示牌兩週冠軍寶座,但在英國榜卻榜上無名。
Paper Lace
Paper Lace-The Night Chicago Died 紙蕾絲的全美冠軍曲
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