I was walking down the street
Nobody with me
And I ask myself, why the hell I’m be?
It’s kinda’ sarcastic but it’s really realistic
That I hate these things, get em’ off of me
But I look back in my closet and I’m sorry to see
That I’m full of shit, and I can’t admit
That I need a little confidentiality
Wow look at me, I gotta bunch of
clothes written Versace
A whole new polo shirt written Burberry
Two useless leather bags with a big damn G
And a useless bunch of L’s and V’s
You have your pretty eyes
Made to fulfill all lies
Men seeing you thinking my oh my
Saying baby I could just go lie down and die
蔡牧民(TSAI Mu-Ming) 一個家裡沒有電視的大學生,以一部訴說著新、舊台北印象的十分鐘短片「台北‧台北」,從五十一部參賽作品中脫穎而出,入圍第八屆台北電影節「台北主題獎」,並將於七月八日與其他七部入圍影片競爭高達十萬元的首獎獎金。他是當年中正大學外文四的蔡牧民。
2007他又以《台北,一個靈感 / IF IN TAIPEI,AN INSPIRATION》入圍台北主題獎。
If in Taipei an Inspiration,” borrowing the title of a famous novel written by Italo Calvino, tells the
story of a lost notebook in Taipei and the quest to search for it. In the short film, the notebook serves
as a metaphor of inspiration and urban nomadism, and casually comments on the city life in Taipei city. It
tries to solve one of the most common questions asked by creative individuals: Where has all the
inspiration gone?