我倆(You and Me)

我絕不哭(I never cry)

「視覺系藝人」鼻祖艾力斯庫柏(Alice Cooper)的柔情-我倆(You and Me)以及我絕不哭(I never cry)

艾力斯庫柏(Alice Cooper)其實是一個樂團的名字,據傳, 艾力斯庫柏源自16世紀一位巫師的名字,樂團主唱叫做Vincent Damon Furnier,他們的確是重金屬樂團, 演唱會舞台除了響徹的音樂,也融合了詭譎的燈光和恐怖的道具(真蛇和假血最常見),然後在配上主唱濃妝豔抹的誇張打扮,算是「視覺系藝人」的鼻祖之一,他的淚眼妝有夠誇張的,看起來像是吸血鬼徳古拉爵士。

艾力斯庫柏成立於1960年代尾期,真正讓他們走紅的專輯是1971年的Love It To Death,此後的五年時間是他們創作高峰期,包括Killer(1971)School's Out(1972)Billion Dollar Babies(1973) Welcome to My Nightmare(1975)都是搖滾樂的重要專輯。毫無疑問艾力斯庫柏70年代最偉大的搖滾團體之一,對後起的搖滾巨星如瑪莉蓮曼森(Marilyn Manson)白殭屍合唱團(White Zombie)...等都有很大的影響。


2008725日起老而不衰的艾力斯庫柏展開為期近半年的驚悚劇巡迴演出(Psycho-Drama Tour),為729日首發的新專輯「失敗的來了」(Along Came A Spider)宣傳,足跡將遍佈美、加、英、徳。

You and Me

When I got home from work
I wanna wrap myself around you
I wanna take you and squeeze you
'till the passion starts to rise.

I wanna take you to heaven
that would make my day complete
but you and me ain't movie stars
what we are is what we are
we share a bed some lovin' and t.v. yeah.

That's enough for a workin' man
what I am is what I am
and I tell you babe
well that's enough for me.

Sometimes when you're asleep and
I'm just starin' at the ceiling
I wanna reach out and touch you
but you just go on dreamin'.

If I could take you to heaven
that would make my day complete
but you and me ain't movie stars
what we are is what we are
and I tell you babe
well that's enough for me.

You and me ain't no superstars
what we are is what we are
we share a bed some popcorn and t.v. yeah.

And that's enough for a workin' man
what I am is what I am
and I tell you babe
well that's enough for me.

When I got home from work
I wanna wrap myself around you
I like to hold you and squeeze you
'till the passion starts to rise.

I wanna take you to heaven
that would make my day complete ...

I never cry

If there's a tear on my face
It makes me shiver to the bones it shakes me babe
It's just a heartache that got cought in my eye
and you know I never cry I never cry

Sometimes I drink more than I need
Until the T.V.'s dead and gone
I may be lonely but I'm never alone
and the night may pass me by
but I'll never cry

Take away take away my eyes
Sometimes I'd rather be blind
Break a heart break a heart of stone
Open it up but don't you leave it alone

'Cause that's all I've got give to you
believe me babe it ain't been used
My heart's a virgin it ain't never been tried
and you know I'll never cry
and you know I'll never cry
and you know you know you know you know
I'll never cry, I'll never cry

Break a heart break a heart of stone
Open it up but don't you leave it alone

'Cause that's all I've got give to you
believe me babe it ain't been used
My heart's a virgin it ain't never been tried
and you know I'll never cry
and you know I'll never cry
and you know you know you know you know
I'll never cry, I'll never cry


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